Federazione Italiana Sport Equestri
Sito ufficiale della Federazione Italiana Sport Equestri:
organigramma, comitati regionali, discipline di cui si occupa,
calendario eventi e …

Italian Reining Horse Association
Benvenuto nel sito della IRHA Italian Reining Horse Association, organo ufficiale del Reining in Italia, responsabile della promozione di questa disciplina…

International Reining Horse Breeder Association
IRHBA – International Reining Horses Breeder Association, è
l’Associazione Allevatori nata per promuovere lo sviluppo del cavallo da
Reining selezionato.

National Reining Horse Association
Official website for the NRHA, an organization dedicated to
the promotion of the reining horse, which serves as the standard setting body for the sport of…

American Quarte Horse Association
Official breed registry and membership association for the
American Quarter Horse. Includes information on programs sponsored by
the AQHA including Youth,…

American Paint Horse Association
Official registry of the Paint Horse based in Fort Worth,
Texas. Information on the breed, registration, listing of inspections,
member clubs and …